The F Word
The F Word

地獄廚神Gordon Ramsay「 The F Word 」教粗口批評食物!蕭叔叔拆解:爆粗的藝術



說起地獄廚神Gordon Ramsay(戈登・拉姆齊),大家一定會先想到他在烹飪節目上,對着參賽者大吼大叫的畫面。詞鋒銳利、要求嚴格,他在節目中產生過的金句多不勝數。除了不時會聽到那以「F」開頭的助語詞,記者印象最深刻的,就要數「An idiot sandwich」。而由他主持的新一輯「 The F Word (U.S. TV series)」近日在FOX電視台播放了!在宣傳片段中可見,Gordon Ramsay這次竟然開班授徒,教講粗口批評食物!好笑之餘,我們一於訪問了香港人氣Fanpage「蕭叔叔英式英文學會」的蕭叔叔,逐一拆解Gordon Ramsay的金句!

撰文:Sonia|圖片:The F Word、、蕭叔叔英式英文學會


甫見「The F Word」裡那個醒目的「F」字,應該心裡不期然浮起Gordon Ramsay最愛說的「Fu*k」。事實上,那是代表「Food(食物)」,別想歪了。在宣傳片中我們抽出了廚神的3句金句,讓蕭叔叔以英語角度分析,進一步教大家活學活用(這樣好嗎 XD)。

場景1:「You fuxking donkey」

片段裡,Gordon Ramsay的原句是「In a class of humans as a fu*king donkey」。一般則把它簡化成平常更容易遇到的「You fuxking donkey」。「我們會以donkey(驢子)來形容笨蛋,而「F」這助語詞當然是用來加重語氣。所以『you fu*king donkey』就是『你個死蠢』或『好X白癡』的意思。」

First of all, “you fucking donkey”. We say that somebody’s a donkey when we think that he or she is very stupid. So it’s a little bit like “idiot”, and the F word of course is to modify that noun, making it stronger in terms of the impact. So “you fucking donkey” means something like “你個死蠢” or “you fucking idiot”.

場景2:「It’s shit!」

廚神讓參賽者評價豬扒時,教她直接地用「It’s shit!」來形容那道菜。「在這裡shit(屎)是形容詞,我們用它來形容質素差劣的東西。在廣東話,就是『廢』或『垃圾』的意思。當然我們也可用它來形容其他事物甚或某人,你可以說『Oh, he’s shit.(他是個大爛人)』或『That’s total, utter shit.(那東西是徹底的垃圾)』」

Okay, number two “it’s shit”. It’s an adjective here. We use it to describe things that are of inferior quality. It’s like the word “廢” or “垃圾” in Cantonese. But of course you can use it to describe all kinds of things or people. You can say that “Oh, he’s shit.” or “That’s total, utter shit.

場景3:「Why don’t you go fu*k yourself, you pretentious a***hole.」

最後,徒弟們的粗口都有所進步時,Gordon Ramsay讓他們來了個大合唱「Why don’t you go fu*k yourself, you pretentious a***hole.」在這兒,蕭叔叔就把句子分開了兩部分來解釋:「就前半句而言,你會跟一個人說『Why don’t you go fu*k yourself』,是因你覺得那個人非常煩厭,然後你希望他/她能立即消失於眼前。當然,這是個很沒禮貌的表達方法。在廣東話,我們會說『食屎啦你』或『收皮啦』或『去死啦』那一類型的話。」而後半部分的句子則比較能見字明義:「『You pretentious arsehole』就是『虛偽的廢物』或『虛偽的PK』的意思。」

Okay, number three. That’s an interesting one. “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, you pretentious arsehole.” Let’s divide it into two parts. First of all, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” You tell somebody to go fuck himself or herself when you think that he or she is very very annoying and you just simply want to dismiss him or her. But of course it’s a very rude way of doing that. In Cantonese we can say something like “食屎啦你” or “收皮啦” or “去死啦”, you know that sort of expressions.

Well, the second part of the sentence is actually quite self-explanatory. “You pretentious arsehole” is a bit like “虛偽的廢物” or “虛偽的PK” 的意思。




「若希望說得比較得體,可以選較溫和的用詞。『Well, everything was alright. It’s just that the seasoning was a little bit strong for my taste.(整體而言不錯,但調味方面對我來說有點太重了。)』這是以較婉轉的方法,來投訴調味上的失敗。」而當大家要投訴別的事情時,把句子中的「seasoning」改掉就可以了!

Okay, how do we describe food that is bad? Well it depends on how polite or how rude you want to sound. If you wanna sound diplomatic of course you can use gentler words like “Well, everything was alright. It’s just that the seasoning was a little bit strong for my taste.” So that’s quite a polite way of complaining about the seasoning.


假如不介意把話說重,蕭叔叔就跟廚神Gordon Ramsay一樣,會簡單直接地用「Shit」來形容:「The food was shit.(食物很垃圾)」。不過當然,他並不是鼓勵大家直接跟餐廳這樣說,「通常這是用於離開餐廳後,跟朋友私下說的『Oh, the food was so shit.(天,剛才的食物真垃圾。)』」使用時要小心場合呢!

If you don’t mind sounding a little bit blunt, of course you can simply say that the food was shit. But of course you don’t say it directly to the restaurant – you can say it to your friend after visiting the restaurant. You can say, “Oh, the food was so shit.”


「蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu’s British English Club」的Facebook專頁大約經營了一年多,已吸引近27萬Followers。蕭叔叔慣把香港人常用的生活短句轉化為英文,以英國口音演繹,再放到專頁上分享。生動的語句、緊貼時事的抽水形式,以及濃厚的英式口音,都甚受粉絲歡迎。
就例如他曾分享「嚇死人咩個心離一離呀!」的英式說法等,都是實用又貼地的有用教材。當初有開設專頁的念頭,是因為「喜歡英式英文,也喜歡學英文,心裡面有好多跟英文學習有關的念頭、經驗,及自以為獨特的insights,覺得不吐不快。另外,也喜歡與同好分享自己absolutely crazy about的東西,性質如同釣魚學會、讀書會、集郵小組一樣吧,唯一不同的是叔叔偶爾用page賣廣告賺零用錢。」

小小外語發音貼士|不敢以British accent自居

有人認為他的口音紳士又療癒,亦有人稍嫌誇張造作,記者就羨慕蕭叔叔溫柔好聽的發音。被問到如何可以練成一腔英國口音?他就謙稱:「我常常跟學生和網友解釋,蕭叔叔的口音是an international accent with a hint of British influence,就是一個受英式英文影響的國際化口音,而這個international accent,其實可以說是一個bastard accent,好聽點即是a mix of everything-有廣東話的影響,也有來自印度新加坡朋友的影響,也有小時看美劇的影響。所以我不認為我是適合討論如何讀英國口音的人選(So I don’t think I’m in a good position to tell people how to do a British accent.)。」

不過無論要學哪種外語也好,也有小貼士:「學外語練發音,蕭叔叔喜歡找個speech model,someone that you would like to speak like,然後每字每音的練習,慢慢來,不用急,一急就練不好。過程好像練琴或學唱歌。至於model找誰,也不一定要找British的,找自己喜歡的variety即可,有人覺得Jamaican accent好型,或Scottish accent特別有韻味,只要用途適合,就找個model來學。」