母親節 祝福語

母親節寫卡30句熱門祝福語 中英對照傳達愛意 實用而非官腔



母親節 祝福語 母親節2023大熱祝福語
母親節2023大熱祝福語(圖片來源:Unsplash@Ijaz Rafi)
  1. 母親節快樂,祝媽媽永遠健康幸福。 Happy Mother’s Day! Wishing my mom health and happiness forever.
  2. 母親是生命中最珍貴的禮物,感謝您無私的愛。 A mother is the most precious gift in life. Thank you for your selfless love.
  3. 感謝您一直支持我,給我力量,讓我走過了人生中的所有艱難困苦。 Thank you for always supporting me, giving me strength to overcome all the difficulties in life.
  4. 母親的愛是無私的,感謝您一直以來的關愛和付出。 A mother’s love is selfless. Thank you for your care and sacrifice over the years.
  5. 母親節到了,祝您一切都好,幸福平安。 Happy Mother’s Day! Wishing you all the best, happiness and peace.
  6. 祝媽媽健康長壽,永遠年輕美麗。 Wishing my mom health and longevity, always young and beautiful.
  7. 您是我人生中最堅強的支柱,感謝您給我力量。 You are the strongest pillar in my life. Thank you for giving me strength.
  8. 祝母親節快樂,感謝您一直以來的陪伴和支持。 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for your company and support over the years.
  9. 媽媽,您是我人生中最重要的人,感謝您給予我生命和愛。 Mom, you are the most important person in my life. Thank you for giving me life and love.
  10. 母親節快樂,祝您永遠年輕健康。 Happy Mother’s Day! Wishing you forever young and healthy.
  11. 祝母親節快樂,感謝您為我們的家庭做出的一切。 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for everything you have done for our family.
  12. 母親的愛是無盡的,感謝您一直以來的付出和犧牲。 A mother’s love is endless. Thank you for your sacrifice and dedication over the years.
  13. 媽媽,您是我人生中最值得尊敬和感激的人,祝您母親節快樂。 Mom, you are the most respectable and grateful person in my life. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
  14. 感謝您無微不至的關心和照顧,您的愛是我生命中最重要的部分。 Thank you for your meticulous care and love. Your love is the most important part of my life.
  15. 祝母親節快樂,願您永遠幸福安康。 Happy Mother’s Day! Wishing you eternal happiness and health.
  16. 媽媽,您是我人生中的榜樣,感謝您一直以來的教導和引導。 Mom, you are my role model in life. Thank you for your guidance and teaching over the years.
  17. 母親的愛是溫暖的陽光,感謝您一直以來的溫暖和關懷。 A mother’s love is warm sunshine. Thank you for your warmth and care over the years.
  18. 祝母親節快樂,願您的夢想都能實現。 Happy Mother’s Day! May all your dreams come true.
  19. 媽媽,您是我人生中最好的朋友,感謝您一直以來的支持和鼓勵。 Mom, you are my best friend in life. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years.
  20. 感謝您為我們的家庭付出的一切,我們永遠愛您。 Thank you for everything you have done for our family. We will always love you.
  21. 祝母親節快樂,感謝您一直以來的愛和支持。 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for your love and support over the years.
  22. 您的愛是我人生中最珍貴的財富,感謝您一直以來的陪伴和照顧。 Your love is the most precious treasure in my life. Thank you for your companionship and care over the years.
  23. 祝母親節快樂,願您永遠年輕健康,開心快樂。 Happy Mother’s Day! May you always be young, healthy, happy and joyful.
  24. 媽媽,您是我人生中最棒的支持者,感謝您一直以來的支持和鼓勵。 Mom, you are the best supporter in my life. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years.
  25. 感謝您給我生命和愛,您是我人生中最珍貴的禮物。 Thank you for giving me life and love. You are the most precious gift in my life.
  26. 祝母親節快樂,感謝您為我們家庭帶來的歡笑和幸福。 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for bringing laughter and happiness to our family.
  27. 媽媽,您的愛是無法比擬的,感謝您一直以來的無私付出。 Mom, your love is incomparable. Thank you for your selfless sacrifice over the years.
  28. 祝母親節快樂,願您的每一天都充滿愛和快樂。 Happy Mother’s Day! May every day be filled with love and happiness for you.
  29. 感謝您給我生命和愛,您是我人生中最珍貴的寶藏。 Thank you for giving me life and love. You are the most precious treasure in my life.
  30. 祝母親節快樂,感謝您一直以來的支持和陪伴,我們永遠愛您。 Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for your support and companionship over the years. We will always love you.

圖片來源:Unsplash@Ijaz Rafi