非常餐單 ozone tasting ritzcarlton 2

【非常餐單 】Tasting Menu| 網上訂座送香檳!OZONE高空晚餐 Free Champagne! Sky-high Gourmet Journey at OZONE



《非常餐單》聯乘城中頂尖餐廳,設計獨家嘗味餐單,以優惠價錢為各位饕客呈獻主廚精湛手藝及餐廳招牌名菜。來到第二炮,我們乘座高速電梯登上118樓,香港麗思卡爾頓酒店頂樓酒吧OZONE,品 嘗由智利年輕大廚Roberto Riveros炮製的《非常餐單》,菜單運用創 新料理手法,融和南美、西班牙、亞洲多元食材,並佐以特調雞尾酒,而且現透過下列連結訂座,更可獲贈香檳一杯,萬勿錯過!

Get ready for the Tasting Menu prepared by Roberto Riveros, the young Chilean Chef de Cuisine of OZONE. Roberto’s menu draws on his experience from around the world to create four or six-course dinner full of surprise, fusing various ingredients from South America, Spain and Asia in an innovative vein. Paired with speciality cocktails formulated by the Bar Manager Oscar Mena from Mexico, the heavenly boozy satisfaction is surely unparalleled.Make your reservation through our website and enjoy a glass of Champagne. Don’t miss the chance!

(Book Now:http://www.feedmeguru.com/en/gourmet/booknow/62448/


大廚Roberto Riveros今次特別設計的《非常餐單》,注入個人味覺經驗, 南美故鄉的尋常食材一粟米蓉與藜麥,西班牙的多彩香料一藏紅花與烤甜椒,以至他在亞洲的最新發現一自家 製的日本味噌,看似不可能結合的食材,主廚都以嶄新料理技法,使之在食桌上跨國相遇。

Our Tasting Menu specially prepared by Chef Roberto Riveros is a treasure box of private food memories. Everyday ingredients found in his homeland of South America, such as corn puree and quinoa, are put together with myriad Spanish spices like saffron and grilled piquillos, even adding some homemade Japanese miso to the mix – his latest discovery in Asia. These ingredients may seem incompatible at first glance, but when combined with the chef’s originality and culinary brilliance — voilà!

1. 開胃小點 SNACK

藏紅花脆片配醃青辣椒|Saffron, Piquillos and Guindillas

2. 前菜 Starter

香煎生蠔配魚子醬及香檳泡沫|Oyster, Caviar and Champagne

Grilled oysters, savoury caviar and light Champagne foam. The Chef presents this luxury delight along with a Spanish Vichyssoise, whetting your appetite for the night.

3. 主菜 Main Course

烤鱸魚配和風茄子及茴香泡沫|Roasted Sea Bass with Aubergine, Miso and Fennel

Cocktail Pairing

1st Floor Gin, Strawberry-infused Cocci Americano, Avocado Oil

4. 主菜 Main Course

燒肉眼牛扒配粟米蓉及脆藜麥|Ribeye Beef, Corn, Quinoa and Basil

烤肉眼牛扒是不少西餐 廳的經典菜式,這次主廚在配菜中特別注入傳統家鄉料 理靈感,以智利玉米糭的做法,製作層次豐富,口感細滑的粟米茸,上面再放上炸過的拉丁美洲經典食材藜麥,叫人驚喜。
Grilled ribeye beef, a classic main course. The Chef infuses inspirations from his homeland into the side dish. The layered flavour and smoothness of the “Humita” corn puree topped with the South American staple crispy quinoa is a surprising delight.

5. 甜品 Dessert

朱古力蛋糕配義大利芝士雪糕 | Chocolate Cake and Mascarpone Ice Cream

主廚認為一頓完美的晚餐,必須要以朱古力甜 點作結。有甚麼比香濃濕潤的朱古力蛋糕,佐以稠密細滑的意式瑪斯卡彭芝士 雪糕,再灑上鮮紅悅目的冷凍莓果碎, 來得叫人滿足?
The Chef believes that a perfect dinner cannot end without a chocolate dessert. Rich and moist chocolate cake, tense and silky Mascarpone Ice Cream, sprinkled with frozen raspberry & popping candy. What can be more gratifying?

完整四道菜餐單 Full 4-Course Menu


(Book Now:www.feedmeguru.com/en/gourmet/booknow/62448/

6 道菜菜單 Full 6-Course Menu

四位或以上客人,可選擇另一個6道菜長菜單,屆時可獨享景色一流的 VIP廂房享用美饌。6道菜菜單特別在主菜方面,增加了特色松露意粉 ,牛扒則換上一道更具份量的牛小排。配酒方面,雞尾酒亦由1杯增至 3杯,酒過三巡,美景當前,體驗將更完美難忘。

Guests of four or above may choose a six-course menu and enjoy it in a VIP cabanas commanding unrivalled views. In addition to the four courses, there are an additional main courses, special truffle carbonara, as well as more voluminous short ribs in place of the ribeye beef. The cocktails will also be three glasses. The fantastic drinks and scenery will definitely make the perfect experience even more unforgettable.



專Private Room


地址:尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號 環球貿易廣場(ICC) 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店118樓
Address:118/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui

電話 Tel:2263 2270

新假期《非常餐單》X OZONE Sky-high Gourmet Journey: 星期一至六 Mon-Sat 6pm-10pm (Last Order)

(Book Now:www.feedmeguru.com/en/gourmet/booknow/62448/