宴客, 士多啤梨, Jacky Yu, 飲食, 食譜,果醬
宴客, 士多啤梨, Jacky Yu, 飲食, 食譜,果醬

【今晚食乜餸】香甜100%原粒士多啤梨果醬食譜@Jacky Yu






細粒士多啤梨………………………………… 1kg(以切去蒂及葉淨肉計)

青 檸…………………………………………….. 2 個( 榨 汁 )

砂糖……………………………………………… 200g

鹽…………………………………………………. 1/3茶匙



北海道3.6牛奶……………………………….. 500ml

砂糖……………………………………………… 250g



1. 士多啤梨洗淨,切去蒂及葉,與青檸汁、砂糖及鹽撈勻,封上保鮮紙,放上約5小時。

2. 鮮奶倒入易潔鍋中,以大火煮滾後改以中小火,邊煮邊攪拌約15分鐘至鮮奶濃稠,泡沫開始發亮後成煉奶。熄火,倒入玻璃瓶中,待涼後放入雪櫃,備用。

3. 約5小時後,將士多啤梨連同排出的水分倒入易潔鍋中,以大火煮滾後改以中小火,邊煮邊攪至水分漸漸揮發,其間要將浮起的雜質撇走,至士多啤梨變軟及泡沫開始發亮,即成士多啤梨果醬,倒入容器,涼卻後放入雪櫃。

4. 從雪櫃取出煉奶,將士多啤梨果醬倒入瓶中即成。


• 煮果醬要將浮起的雜質撈起,煮出來的果醬才會晶瑩透澈。

• 宜選用濃度較高的鮮奶做煉奶,推介北海道3.6牛奶。

• 煉奶與果醬的比例,煉奶最好不要超過容器的1/3。

• 吃時可將煉奶與士多啤梨撈勻,配以麵包、原味乳酪及雪糕吃。


Strawberry jam ingredients

1kg Small strawberry

2 Lime juice

200g Sugar

1/3 tsp Salt


Condensed milk ingredients

500ml 3.6 Hokkaido milk

250g Sugar



1. Wash the strawberries, cut the leaves and stems. Mix with lime juice, sugar and salt, wrap and put in the fridge for five hours.

2. Pour milk into a wok, cook with high fire until boil, then turn to medium low fire, stir and boil for 15 minutes until the milk turns thicken, bubbles become shiny. Pour into a jar, let cold and put in the fridge.

3. After five hours, pour the refrigerated strawberries and juices into a wok, cook with high fire until boil, then turn to medium low fire, stir and boil until the juices vapour, sieve out the substance, boil until the liquid turns thicken and bubbles becomes shiny. Pour into a jar, let.cold and put in the fridge.

4. Pour the strawberry jam into condensed milk. Serve.



• Sieve out the substance when cooking the strawberries in order to make a crystal-like jam.

• Better to use high protein milk to make condensed milk, recommend 3.6 Hokkaido. milk.

• Portion of condensed milk cannot more than 1/3.

• Slightly mix the jam before eat, serve with bread, plain yoghurt or ice-cream.